Music Director: Jethro Harbison
Pianist: Paula Walker
Organist: Nancy Garrison
Mission Statement:
To exalt Jesus Christ and to proclaim his redemptive work is our primary goal
To provide opportunities for individuals to develop and use their God-given talents in worship
To encourage congregational worship and spiritual edification through hymn singing
To promote the goals of our church, association and convention and provide emphasis for special event and seasons
Sanctuary Choir: This group leads in worship in morning services and prepares and presents special worship experiences, such as musicals at Christmas and Easter or Summer Concerts. No audition necessary.

Ladies and Men’s Ensemble: Two new units that will provide music for worship and events periodically. Membership by invitation/audition.
Soloists/duets, etc.: Individuals may provide music for worship or events periodically. Preparation and rehearsal will be arranged by the singers.
Mixed Quartet: Individuals may organize a group and prepare music for worship or an event.
Congregation: The largest and most important “choir”. Corporate singing of hymns is the main act of worship in which everyone may participate. No particular level of ability or talent required. We are admonished often in scripture to SING our praises to God.
Choir: Each Wednesday 6:45 pm (Child care provided).
Ladies Ensemble: Each 1st and 3rd Wednesday 6:00PM.
Men’s Ensemble: Each 2nd and 4th Wednesday 6:00PM.