Parker Allen - Associate Pastor and Youth Minister
Parker Allen was born and raised in a pastors home. Parker came to know the Lord at the age of 6 and surrendered to the call to ministry at age 14. He worked for the Northeast Alabama Fellowship of Christian Athletes in the summers of 2014 and 2015. His experience with FCA was great preparation for future ministry. In August of 2015, God in His providence, brought Parker to Seventh Street, as student minister where he has now served for six years. Parker’s faithful partner in ministry is his wife Taylor. God has transformed trials in Parker’s life into encounters that have drawn him closer to his Heavenly Father. The latest and most difficult trial being the loss of Parker and Taylor‘s first child Crew Parker Allen this past May. God is using and will continue to use the impact of God’s gift of Crew in Parker‘s life and ministry for His glory. He has received his Bachelors of Arts in Christian Ministry from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is now working on his Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry. Parker’s heartbeat is in evangelism and discipleship. As of September 1st Parker has become associate pastor while continuing to serve as youth pastor.

Vacation Bible School(VBS)
Sunday School
Offering many different classes for every age. Come join us to learn about Jesus in a exciting atmosphere! Sunday School starts at 9:15AM. Nursery provided.
Children’s Church
Fun and excitement continues in Children’s Church at 10:30AM. Grades 1-4th.